SCI (Science Citation Index) and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) are two indexing systems used for academic journals. The main difference lies in their level of recognition and prestige. Here is the difference between them:

SCI (Science Citation Index)

SCI is part of the Web of Science database and is known for indexing high-impact, well-established journals. Also, the journals indexed in SCI are often cited more frequently by researchers. These journals have stringent acceptance criteria and high-impact factors, indicating their influence on the scientific community.

ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index)

ESCI is also a part of the Web of Science database, but it includes journals that are emerging in their fields. While not as prestigious as SCI, being indexed in ESCI still signifies a level of recognition and quality.

How to Publish Research Papers in SCI and ESCI Journals?

Publishing a research paper in SCI indexed journals or ESCI indexed journals involves a systematic process. Here are the basic steps to help you publish a paper in these journals:


Select the Right Journal: Look for journals indexed in SCI or ESCI that align with your field of study.

Prepare Manuscript: Before writing your research paper follow the specific guidelines provided by the journal. These guidelines include formatting, citation style, and word limits. Ensure that your paper is well-structured, clear, and adheres to ethical standards.

Conduct Peer Review: Before submitting your paper, consider seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors. Peer review can help you identify and address potential issues in your manuscript.

Register and Submit: Create an account on the journal’s submission platform. Then complete all the required forms and upload your manuscript, figures, tables, and any supplementary materials. Pay attention to the submission fees, if applicable.

Respond to Reviewers: Address reviewers’ comments and revise your paper accordingly. Provide detailed responses to each comment, explaining how you addressed their concerns.

Acceptance and Publication: If your paper is accepted, the journal will provide instructions for final submission. This may include formatting your paper according to their style guide and preparing any additional materials, such as cover letters or author bios.

Copyright and Open Access: Understand the journal’s copyright policies. Some journals may require you to transfer copyright, while others allow authors to retain certain rights. Consider whether you want your paper to be open-access, which may involve additional fees.

Pay Publication Fees: Finally, Some journals charge publication fees upon acceptance. Ensure you have the necessary funding to cover these costs.

Is it worth publishing Ph.D. works in ESCI journals?

Yes, publishing your Ph.D. work in an Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) is completely worth it. ESCI journals are part of the larger Web of Science database, which will increase the visibility and credibility of your work. Also, the review process of ESCI Journals doesn’t take much time.

If you are looking for an easy way to publish your research paper in the ESCI Web of Science Journals? ARDA Conference can help you. Whether you are an undergrad student or a senior researcher, our professional publishing support services work with you to submit your paper.

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